B2B Brand Strategy Lessons for 2023

What should the coolest, most CATS-est of marketers be thinking about for 2023? (CATS standing for courageous, artful, thoughtful, and scientific). Tune into this episode with Drew as he reflects on some of the standout lessons of 2022 when it comes to building an unbeatable B2B brand strategy.  

What You’ll Learn  

  • 2023 marketing lessons from Renegade Marketers Unite 
  • B2B brand strategy lessons from 2022 

B2B Brands: Cut Those Cognitive Calories! 

“This is a critical thing about a powerful brand: It requires very few cognitive calories from their audience to remember it.” 

The idea of “cognitive calories” resonated deeply with the CMOs attending the CMO Huddles Bonus Huddle (re: private Q&A) with Lindsay Pedersen, brand strategist and author of Forging an Ironclad Brand. In this episode, tune in to hear all of Lindsay’s illuminating insights into what it takes to create a truly sharp, memorable, and resonant B2B brand. It’s not to be missed. Tune in!   

What You’ll Learn in This Episode 

  • What B2B brands can learn from B2C brands 
  • What makes a powerful B2B brand 
  • How to rebrand successfully

Branding in the B2B Big-League

There’s a lot to be learned from the enterprise brand.  

They’ve reached a status that many strive for, and it’s pretty clear from today’s episode that an emphasis on brand and an eye on the future are the reasons why. Tune in to hear from Rebecca Stone of Cisco Meraki and Peeyush Dubey of TheMathCompany (he was at LTI at the time of this interview) about why to go big on brand, as well as how these mega-brands are looking at things like CSR, Web 3.0, the metaverse, and more!  

What You’ll Learn in This Episode 

  • How big B2B companies think about brand 
  • How to measure brand 
  • What big brands think about CSR, the metaverse, Web 3.0 +++ 

Deloitte CMO on Exceptional Employee Engagement

Deloitte added 156K new hires in 2022. You heard that right—in the middle of mass-resignations and the war for talent, the professional services brand’s employee base has grown to 412K-strong. What’s their secret? 

Enter Deloitte CMO Suzanne Kounkel, who has been with the firm for 27 years, serving countless consumer and business brands while leading relationships with many of the firm’s largest clients. In this insight-heavy episode, Suzanne shares what it means to win at employee engagement, how Deloitte keeps its culture strong in a hybrid world, and the integral role brand plays in all of it.

This episode is largely about creating the formal programs that lead to those informal magic moments—where a brand’s culture lives feely in the wild in a way that captures the attention of talent, customers and prospects. Tune in!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode 

  • How Deloitte engages a 412K-strong employee base 
  • How the pandemic impacted recruiting, retention, and culture 
  • How to make a brand promise real internally

B2B Marketing Mix-ology

Allocating your marketing budget but don’t know where to start?

Begin with the end in mind. That’s where we start in today’s episode with Mary Leigh Mackie of AvePoint, Sue Holub of OnSolve, and Suzanne Reed of LBMC, three marketing mix masters with tons of hard-earned wisdom about how to spend money wisely with a limited budget. 

Tune in to hear each CMOs approach to their marketing mix, working backwards from who they target to how they spend to how they adjust their marketing mix along the way. This is both a timeless and a timely episode—don’t miss it! 

What You’ll Learn in This Episode 

  • How 3 CMOs approach their marketing mixes 
  • How to optimize your mix  
  • Which metrics should drive your marketing mix 

Brent Adamson Unlocks B2B Customer Confidence

We couldn’t quit Brent Adamson even if we wanted to. Yep, he’s back for his 5th appearance on Renegade Marketers Unite! One of the premier sales thinkers of today, Brent recently joined a CMO Huddles Bonus Huddle to discuss how to sell in the context of a will-it or won’t-it-happen recession.

Regardless of whether or not the downturn will become a reality, this episode is a lesson in staying a few steps ahead of your customers—how to demonstrate real value that brings decision makers together and overcomes buyer trepidation. He also shares advice for B2B CMOs facing budget cuts but not outcome cuts—don’t’ sleep on this one!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode 

  • How B2B CMOs can overcome buyer trepidation 
  • Why value is the key to success 
  • How to help B2B decision makers feel confident and connected