The Principles of Smart Brevity 

Guest: Roy Schwartz Author, Smart Brevity

“Even if great writing eludes you, brevity needn’t.” 

This powerful principle drives Smart Brevity, the transformative communication method pioneered by the founders of Axios. Join co-author Roy Schwartz, a true brevity mastermind, reveals how to ditch corporate waffle and get to the point.

Discover strategies to distill complex ideas into impactful bites across the organization, like: 

  • Visualizing your audience (literally) 
  • The magic formula of “What’s New” and “Why It Matters”  
  • Mastering information hierarchy 
  • Crafting compelling internal updates 
  • Transforming your team into concise communicators

Learn why 200,000+ pros swear by Smart Brevity. Your audience (and inbox) will thank you. 

What You’ll Learn 

  • The core principles behind impactful writing 
  • How to get good at smart brevity 
  • How smart brevity connects to pipeline and revenue 


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