Redefining Your Brand Part II

This is the second part of my interview with Lisa Fawcett, VP of Global Marketing at CooperVision.  Lisa went through an 18-month process that resulted in redefining CooperVisions promise, purpose, values, voice and ultimately their logo and packaging.

Drew: Where was your management in your rebranding process?
They were with us every step of the way.  When you’re talking about a corporate brand it involves everybody.  The team in manufacturing are just as vested in the company’s success as the R&D team and commercial team.  This is about what the company stands for across the board – by function and region.    This project was spearheaded at the highest level of the organization.  It may have taken a bit longer given all the constituents, but by having all the groups involved it paved the way for success. You won’t have consensus but you will have input.

Drew: So how did you make the ultimate decisions?
There were two executive sponsors that were truly the final decision makers in the process.  I think it was important to have this role as part of the process. The process allowed everyone to be heard and different ideas to be included, but in the end the final decision boiled down to 2 people; the president of CooperVision and the Executive Vice President of Commercial Strategy.

Drew: Where did competitive evaluation fit in?
As part of the research we included the competitive set.  The  contact lenses market has four truly global manufacturers, many of them speaking with the same voice.   Customers think of CooperVision as a company that brings different ideas to the table, and is very approachable.  What we realized was we were not verbalizing our uniqueness to the marketplace.  We realized we were speaking just like everybody else, we were acting like everybody else, we were talking like everybody else. It was time to change.

Drew: So this must have been a big moment. 
Absolutely.  We are bringing to the forefront the things that globally we already get credit for and it is relevant to our practitioners and lens wearers.  Our promise is ‘We bring a refreshing perspective that creates real advantages for customers and wearers’.

Drew: So how did you define your purpose?
Again, the purpose is different than our promise.  The promise as I mentioned is how we differentiate ourselves in the market.  The purpose had to be a rallying cry to employees, why we come to work each day. Our purpose is ‘we help improve the way people see each day’.  We spent a significant amount of time with the Siegel+Gale team, the executive team and working with the employee base to get this right.  The segment about ‘ the way people see each day’ is not just the literal aspect of seeing each day, it is also about perspective.  We wanted something to be scalable no matter where you were in the organization.  So this is to be taken very literal, ‘you bet, we make contact lenses, we help people see each day’.  And the statement also holds a meaning on perspective in terms of ‘how’ you see each day.  Even the ‘each day’ was an important aspect to the statement because it also ground us in the every day.  It’s literally talking about every day coming to work and giving your best.

Drew: Interesting.  It’s aspirational and down to earth at the same time.  
That is what we like about it. It really does a nice job for employees of defining who we are – down to earth and aspirational.  It ties to our promise –‘we bring a refreshing perspective that creates real advantages’, because within the company we are down to earth and aspirational too – it is how we can live up to our promise

Drew:  Do you think your 7,000 employees could actually recite some aspect of the new brand?
Yes, actually it’s been quite fun. We just did an employee survey.  And what was very cool is that people are aligned, they could repeat the brand promise, they could tell you the values, and they understood what we are doing as a company.  And not only could they repeat it, they were engaged. People are sending me their new hire forms that are highlighting the values of the organization, their meeting minutes that indicate they are talking about the brand promise. It has been thrilling to watch it take hold so quickly. The other day, I was talking with a senior manager from our distribution center.   They were interviewing people and they had two really good candidates.  As part of the decision making process he asked, which one of these candidates best reflects the company’s values – that is how he made the decision.  Impressive.

Drew: So where do changes of your visual identity fit into all of this?
If you do all the foundation setting with the correct promise, values, voice, and purpose and no visual change, it can take a long time for people to begin to see a new brand has been created. Changing the visual identity after the foundation has been built becomes a catalyst to employees, customers and contact lens wearers that an updated company story is being told. One of our biggest touch points with eye care practitioners and contact lens wearers are the contact lens packages we ship to offices every single day all around the world.  So updating our packaging is important to signal an updated story is being told. I’m happy to say, that by the end of this year all of our key brands will carry our new packaging.

Drew:  Congratulations by the way.  You must feel great about this.
Yes. This has been one of the more satisfying initiatives in my career. It was a great process that yielded great results.

Drew: So talk to me a bit about how you are tracking this over time?
As we chatted about, we are taking 3 items into account. Employee satisfaction, brand tracking and allocation of resources.   I love the phrase the VP of Commercial Strategy echoed throughout this process.  ‘Brands are built from the inside out’.  Hence our big focus on employee engagement.  I am happy to say we have received our first employee satisfaction survey and the results were outstanding.  We have a highly dedicated group of people at CooperVision, and we are all now ‘marching to the same drum’.  As it pertains to the brand equity tracker we are getting ready to field our first follow up survey since the launch of the brand.  We know this will take some time to move the needle as brand scores don’t change overnight.  Lastly we are including our brand promise in our long range strategic planning.  The initiatives we are developing for the organization are ‘pushed up’ against the brand promise to make sure we are staying true to who we are as a company.

Drew:  Have you seen any sort of tangible movements as a result of this brand transformation?
What I can tell you is, our share continues to grow. And in fact we hit the billion-dollar mark, which was a cause for celebration. As I mentioned at the beginning of the interview, we didn’t embark on this journey because we had a problem, we were and are a growing company. Updating the brand ensures we continue to be relevant and credible to our customers and lens wearers so we can continue to see that growth in the future.

Drew:  So what are the key lessons here?  
First and foremost, do your homework with all your constituents. Get a good understanding of what the company’s perception is in the marketplace as well as the perception of the competitors.

Second, if you want the entire organization to embrace it, you have to involve the organization.   They need to feel vested in the approach. Lastly, you will need a senior executive on the team as the final decision-maker.  If you have those aspects of the initiative outlined then it will set you up for success.

Drew: Any other words of advice for marketers about to begin a rebranding journey?
You have to be open, you have to listen to everybody’s opinion. People need to feel like they’ve been heard. You also have to be comfortable people will not be happy as everyone’s feedback will not be implemented. Finally, have a strong partner in the process, for us it was Siegel & Gale.  They need to be able to ‘push back’ on you, especially in terms of the end deliverable. It is their  job to help keep you on track. It won’t be easy but it will be rewarding.

NOTE: You can find the article that this interview spawned on



Redefining Your Brand Part I

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lisa Fawcett, VP of Global Marketing for CooperVision, a few months back about her rebranding journey.  CooperVision, by the way, sells over a billion dollars worth of contact lens’ annually around the world and as a result of their rebranding work (by Siegel+Gale) ended up in a truly distinctive place.  Not being a branding expert, I found the whole thing quite enlightening and turned this interview into an article that will appear shortly on

Drew: Could you give me some background on your rebranding journey?
Sure. The branding journey at CooperVision,  wasn’t something that was taken lightly. It had been part of the strategic planning process for the company identified with other major initiatives.  Establishing a strong corporate brand was one of the key elements to the strategic plan

Drew: Was there a specific trigger?
The organization embarked on this for a handful of reasons. First, unlike some companies that embark on this journey, the organization was growing and doing extremely well, there wasn’t a problem we were looking to fix. Our business had changed over the last five years, and the marketplace had also changed.  We wanted to make sure we continued to evolve so we maintained our relevance for the future. Secondly, CooperVision had grown by acquisition, purchasing other contact lens companies, and recent growth had been fueled by developing and launching new products. . It was time to make sure the organization was all aligned under a single corporate brand. All key stakeholders – customers, consumers, employees, shareholders understood what CooperVision stands for and the value we bring to the contact lens industry.

Drew Neisser: I’m hoping that you will be able to define what in your mind establishes strong corporate brand.
Sure, it revolves around what we define as our strategic framework.  It has four components. First is our brand promise, that differentiation we bring to the contact lens market. It defines why customers want to do business with us, that’s the center of the hub.

Drew: Okay that’s one. What’s next? 
Then we started to define a purpose, why do we come to work every day, what makes us get out of bed.  It’s the promise that defines how we compete in the market and why customers purchase our product. The purpose statement is why employees come to work every day.   They are two different components of the branding puzzle.

Drew: What are the other components?
The other two components were establishing a set of core values for the organization and developing a corporate voice.  The values govern how we behave, how we talk to one another, et cetera.  The voice is defines ‘how’ we speak to the customers, contact lens wearers, employees, and other key stakeholders, it defines our ‘tone’.    These 4 components; promise, purpose, values and voice brings us to the last stage of this journey – visual expression of the brand.  It can be a tendency with branding projects for people to get caught up with the visual expression of the brand, developing new logos and images, without identifying the strong foundation of the companies promise, purpose, values and voice to go with it.

Drew: Where does visual identity fit into all of this?
One of the reasons we were very interested in working with Siegel+Gale is we knew a brand is more than just its visual expression. Siegel & Gale knew that too. You really need to understand what makes the company different in the marketplace, how its values govern its behaviors, how it speaks to the marketplace, and how employees are engaged on a day to day basis.  Only after that heavy lifting is done can the organization develop a visual expression of the brand.

Drew: Did you have a sense from the beginning how you were going to measure success?
We had 3 items that were the ‘acid test’ for measuring success.  First, employees feel CooperVision is a great place to work and we are aligning our resources around a common mission for growth.  Second, our customers and consumers, believe we provide differentiation that creates real value. We found white space CooperVision could own and was relevant to our customers.  We want to continue to track our brand to make sure we are living up to that differentiated promise in the market.  Thirdly, if we truly defined our differentiated promise to the market it would allow for streamlined decision making and allocation of resources.  Projects or initiatives would either live up to the promise and we say “Yes”, or they don’t and we say “No.”

Drew:  What kind of timeframe are we talking about?
From start to finish it was an 18-month process.  Primarily it was an 18-month process as there was significant research  upfront.  We spent time with our main constituents, employees, contact lenses wearers, eye care practitioners and retailers all around the world. We needed to truly understand their perception of CooperVision as well as the other manufacturers. We always felt we approached the market differently and that contributed to our success, but did our stakeholders feel the same way?

Drew: Why were employees so important to the process?
If we’re going to make a promise to the market, it can’t be 12 executives sitting in a room deciding what the company is to be.  Ultimately, the employees are the promise keepers, so need to be vested in what the brand promise is to the market.  We went to great lengths to make sure employees were able to express their views about what the company was  good at, what areas the company  needed to improve upon, what they felt was important to the marketplace.  We then matched those views against what our customers and lens wearers told us globally. This collective effort became the underpinnings of the branding work.

Drew: Were there any surprises that came out?
Given we are a global company we are fortunate enough to sell our product in very unique markets.  The conventional belief is our customers and consumers would be vastly different given the unique cultures and markets. Are their differences among contact lens wearers and eye care practitioners globally?  Absolutely.  Are they ‘vast’ differences? No. What was nice is through this research we were able to ‘unveil’ some common-ground to focus on. It helped the organization align on a promise that could meet the worldwide needs for our business.  I realize that is often not the case for other companies.  What was nice for CooperVision was we were able to circle in on a few things that really resonated, and were relevant and credible on a global basis. That is very powerful.

NOTE:  This is part 1 of my interview with Lisa.  The 2nd part will appear in the next day or so.  If you found this interesting, feel free to subscribe to TheDrewBlog;-)

Shaky Shack?

The Dallas Morning News carried an interesting story on Radio Shack’s new marketing campaign. The reporter, Maria Halkias included a lot of commentary from yours truly so I thought I just post the whole story. Enjoy.

RadioShack to launch rebranding effort as The Shack

RadioShack is trying to turn up the volume on its image by turning off the “Radio” and calling itself “The Shack.” Not to be confused with the Shaq who’s famous in basketball circles, The Shack apparently is a nickname that employees, customers and investors have used for RadioShack.

The Fort Worth-based consumer electronics chain’s rebranding effort begins Thursday with a national television, print and digital campaign and the start of a three-day launch event in New York’s Times Square and San Francisco’s Justin Herman Plaza.

The bicoastal hoopla will include 14-foot laptops hooked up to webcams for live video and audio exchanges. The company isn’t changing the name of its stores. Chief marketing officer Lee Applbaum said the nickname is an attempt at “contemporizing the way we want people to think about our brand.”

“The Shack speaks to consumers in a fresh, new voice and distinctive creative look that reinforces RadioShack’s authority in innovative products, leading brands and knowledgeable, helpful associates,” he said. The company believes it has “tremendous equity in consumers’ minds around cables, parts and batteries,” Applbaum said. Now it needs to get consumers thinking about its ability to keep them “connected in this highly mobile world.”

Ads in the campaign will focus on mobility and wireless products from AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Apple, BlackBerry and Samsung. “Radio Shack is in a desperate battle to remain relevant,” said Drew Neisser, chief executive of Renegade, a New York-based brand marketing agency.

“The name RadioShack is a quaint artifact in a rapidly evolving marketplace in which mobile devices have become the CE [consumer electronics] portal. Using The Shack as a nickname is a bid to update its image and represent the passion loyalists have for the brand,” he said.

However, company leaders may be “hedging their bets,” he said.

When Federal Express decided to become FedEx, consumers had already been calling the company that, and using the shortened name was a no-brainer, Neisser said.

“If consumers are really already using The Shack, then why not commit fully?” he said. “The only reason I can think of is that they are worried about abandoning the awareness and any positive equity remaining with their old name.” Using The Shack in ads only, “the whole thing could come across as forced at best and confusing at worst,” Neisser said.

The creative campaign was developed by Butler, Shine, Stern and Partners of Sausalito, Calif., which was named RadioShack’s creative agency of record in April.