The Power of a Purpose-Driven Story Statement

Guest: Drew Neisser CEO & Co-Founder, Renegade

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The Power of a Purpose-Driven Story Statement

What the heck is a purpose-driven story statement and why are they so critical to successful marketing? These are the question Drew answers on the first-ever installment of Drew’s Takeaways, a special RTU episode where he distills and discusses key topics and themes of recent interviews. On this episode, Drew breaks down why and how a company can rally behind a powerful, purpose-driven story statement.

Through the discussion of two such statements—one that worked, and one that fulfilled its promise—Drew helps shed some light on how a brand can craft a meaningful identity that engages employees, customers, and prospects, while helping drive the brand forward. To hear more about being purpose-driven, and to take a closer look at statements like Family Circle’s Where Family Comes Firstand SurveyMonkey’s We Power the Curious, tune in!

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