Empty Nest; Full To-Do List

As my wife and I brace for empty nesthood, we’ve been discussing to do’s that we’ve put off to-date.  Before that list gets too long, I decided to add a campaign for Charity Water.  As you may recall from some of my posts last year, Charity Water is a remarkable organization that helps bring fresh water to those who don’t have it. My last campaign raised $2500 for the Bayaka people of central Africa.  Now the mission is to raise money for drilling equipment, equipment that is expensive but will help speed up the process.  Always up for a good challenge, I doubled the goal, hoping to raise $5000, which in the end will fund fresh water for 250 people for a year!

The only thing I ask of you, dear reader, is that you watch the video below.  It’s amazing, inspiring and moving. Go ahead. I dare you to watch this and not get involved…

The 2011 September Campaign. Our 5-year-anniversary video from charity: water on Vimeo.


So that’s the pitch.  Ready to join me?  Just click here.  Or here.  Or here.  It’s a truly impressive organization. After I set up my new campaign, Scott Harrison the founder of Charity Water sent me this personal note:

  • Drew: Just wanted to drop you a personal thank you for starting a september campaign this year. I‘ve been to Ethiopia 16 times in the last couple years, and can personally vouch for our incredible partners there.  So excited to work together to bring them a new drilling rig to help more people–Scott

Not too many CEO’s send out personal thank you notes these days but then again, not too many CEO’s take their business as personally as Scott.  Thanks for the inspiration Scott and good luck!

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