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How Emerson’s Long-Time CMO Reduces Complexity
Perhaps Kathy Button Bell’s title should change from “Chief Marketing Officer” to “Chief Complexity Reduction Officer”—after all, she’s been simplifying things at Emerson Electric for over 20 years. Over that time, marketing has become complex due to the advent of new tools and the increased precision of targeting, among other things, but sometimes marketers need to shift their priorities towards making things easy to understand.
On this episode of RTU, Kathy and Drew discuss unnecessary complexity, employee engagement, the importance of—and keys to—longevity in marketing, and perhaps most importantly, how to keep your marketing brave, human, and uncluttered.
You won’t want to miss Kathy’s insights!
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For the whole article:
- [2:01] Who is Kathy Button Bell
- [3:47] How she dug in and stayed at one place as a CMO
- [11:24] Living out her moto: Be Brave and Have Fun!
- [18:48] How to stay fresh when you’ve been in the same job
- [22:12] Emerson Electric’s new iteration of a campaign
- [28:21] Kathy Button Bell’s guiding principles
- [31:30] Measuring the success of the “We See” campaign
- [34:16] Two dos and a don’t for other CMOs
Connect With Guest:
- Kathy Button Bell’s Bio on Emerson’s Website
- Connect with Kathy Button Bell on LinkedIn
- Follow Kathy Button Bell on Twitter
- Follow Kathy Button Bell on Facebook
Resources & People Mentioned
- Video: Emerson Kids
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