The Drew Blog

Why Avid is Powering Greater Creators

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Why Avid is Powering Greater Creators

Most CMOs “only” have to focus on businesses or consumers as their primary target. Avid, a multimedia tech company, actually markets products to both audiences, a challenge that CMO Melissa Puls relishes. For Puls, the buyer in either market is still a human, a person with creative ambitions. And while a giant TV network might be spending a lot more money on far more complex editing equipment, their end goals are often the same – produce awesome content and share it with the world. As such, Puls helped the company rally around a shared purpose of “powering greater creators,” an idea that also helped hold all their global marketing efforts together.

In our lively conversation, we covered virtually every facet of modern marketing, from what to do in the first hundred days to building a content marketing machine. Importantly, we spent a lot of time talking about the power of having a purpose-driven story statement that is unique, own-able, and inspires employees, customers and prospects regardless of job or business size. Ultimately, Puls helped Avid recognize the humanity of all of its customers. Tune in to this week’s episode to hear about that, the value of balancing face-to-face marketing with digital, the importance of a collaborative leadership team, the number one most important thing a CMO needs to do in a subscription-based world, and much, much more!

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