The Drew Blog

Generative AI Tools for B2B Productivity 

This episode was brought to you by AI (with a healthy dose of human oversight, of course).

Descript. Otter. ChatGPT. These are just a few of the generative AI tools that are helping simplify the tedious and clear the way for bigger and better ideas in the marketing world, and that’s the focus of this conversation with Cathy McPhillips, Chief Growth Officer of Marketing AI Institute.

Tune in to hear some really interesting use cases, like how she saved 18-20 hours of podcast production, how AI won in an A/B test for generating promotional copy, and how to keep up with the pace of AI. And if you like what you hear, check out the upcoming MAICON (Marketing AI Conference), July 26-28th, 2023 in Chicago.

We have a discount code for CMO Huddles members. If you want it, let us know!

What You’ll Learn