The Drew Blog

What Pirates Knew About Marketing

Edward Teach understood the fundamentals of marketing perhaps better than any leader of his age. His ship was easily recognized from miles away thanks to an enormous black flag burnishing a distinctive skull and cross bones. A man of extraordinary size, he crafted a unique brand experience for anyone who dared cross his path. Shortly before engaging his competition, he would weave hemp into his enormous beard and then light it on fire. His fiery visage coupled with the multiple guns and swords he stuffed into his pantaloons sent a clear message–surrender or die. More often than not, the mere sight of the flaming Blackbeard was enough to shiver anyone’s timbers and in doing so, he captured over 40 ships in under 5 years, many without a fight.

Lest we forgot me hardies, marketing is a battle for hearts, minds and share points. Make your brand strong enough and the battle is easier. You need to fly your brand flag high and often so everyone knows exactly what it stands for. Create unforgettable brand experiences and the word will get around, your prospects will become customers and your customers brand advocates.

So, aarr you ready to join me in celebratin’ International Talk Like a Pirate Day?