As a huge Get Smart fan, I approached the new movie with some trepidation. Would Steve Carrell blow it the way Steve Martin did in Pink Panther? Would it be as stupid as the original Get Smart movie initially called The Nude Bomb? Fortunately, Carrell did not try to imitate Don Adams and Anne Hathaway only copied Barbara Feldon’s hair style when she donned a 99-vintage wig for going undercover. Both created new characters that were true to the spirit of the originals while bringing something fresh to the party. Alan Arkin was terrific as the Chief and has the about the best line in the movie when he is nearly speared by a swordfish beak after a wild ride through a driving range. The writers found time for almost all of Smart’s trademark lines (sorry about that chief, would you believe, etc.) and some of his favorite toys (including an updated but still dysfunctional cone of silence). Get Smart fans will find plenty of homages to the original including a cameo by Bernie Koppel, the surveillance fly and “not the Craw–the Craw” which is scribbled on a napkin in the credits. Ironically, about the only Smart line Carrell didn’t say was “and loving it!” which was exactly how this reviewer felt when the credits rolled.